The Untouchables - or Dalits - are Nepal’s lowest cast. According to tradition, they are born to work manually and to serve others.
Many Dalit children don’t attend school or drop out very early as their parents cannot afford books and uniforms and often need their children to help in the fields.
It costs just £45 to sponsor a child for one year in Dhawa or Balimtar. Your money will be allow the schools to cover the cost of the child’s textbooks, uniforms, pens and notebooks, so the parents don't need to. It's a private, unpublished arrangement between the schools and individual parents, so the sponsorship is not picked up by their peers.
Unlike many other organisations, we don't now encourage personal letters from the children to individual sponsors. This is because such letters tend to benefit the sponsor but not the child - and administrating these letters effectively can use up a significant percentage of the money given - in translations, collections, visits, etc.
Instead Learning Planet will send you bi annual updates on the child's progress at school. Donors can remain anonymous, or if families or children wish to discover the identity of their sponsor, then, with your permission, we will either pass on contact details, or give you a forwarding email address.
There are almost a hundred Dalit children in Dhawa alone. Please contact us if you'd like to sponsor a child and we'll forward you details of who specifically you can help, right away.